mercredi 28 avril 2021


 Hello Friends,

Today, let’s go back to the past. A long time ago, I have been living in Wiltshire England. I stayed there one year living with a family of five.

I went with a friend who had a car, she was going to stay in the north of England and she dropped me in Wiltshire.

We crossed lots of fields on our way and military bases in Salisbury plain. I did not know this area and I was a little bit afraid to be in the middle of nowhere!

But, when we arrive to the villages I really lived that place.

I was often going to Bath one of my favorite place.

Especially the Spa and the Royal Cresvent.

The Jane Austen museum.

I was living in Chippenham and could go to beautiful villages

And nice tea shops, such as Amesbury and Alderbury.

I really loved to live there! And I loved the Laura Ashley’s shop in Bath. My wedding dress was a Laura Ashley one!

While I was staying there, I bought a Collie dog whose name was Lady. I brought her back on the ferry to France.

During this year, I visited Cornwall and went up to Scotland, the Hebrides and the Orcades.

I also enjoy to live with the family and 35 years later we are still

Sending cards to each other for Xmas.

( the pictures I took from the net are free of rights)

5 commentaires:

  1. Hello!
    Thank`s for your comment yesterday! Very fun when someone visits my blog, from other countries!
    Lucky me, I had not been infected by covid-19, - nor my daughter and grandson... But we still have to be quarantined for another seven days.
    Wishing you a nice day ahead

  2. The photos you chose from the internet look very lovely. What a wonderful experience to be able to live in England and travel about on your days off. These days, it's so good to have the memories to look back on.

  3. You lived a wonderful year in England, for me it would be a dream come true.

  4. I have heard of Bath since I was young. I had not heard of Wiltshire, but how very lucky to have lived there! Right in the center of a lot of nice places to visit. It looks like a wonderful place. I didn't realize how ornate the buildings were in that part of England.

  5. Your pictures are beautiful Catherine. I used to follow a ladies blog & she lived in Bath & had the cutest little vintage Store. Unfortunately she moved & closed her blog down. I used to look at the pictures of Bath & think how stunning it was. xx


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....