jeudi 1 avril 2021

Animals I used to have in my small farm

This picture was taken a few hours after her birth 
I had to make sure she could drink her mother’s milk properly  
Make an antibiotic injection to both of them ....

 Today, some pictures from the farm animals I had when my children were young. They liked so much to look after them I think it’s part of children’s education.

My daughter has given me a lemon tree last year for my Birthday

It has spent the summer outside and in December I had 19 lemons, but I had to take it inside in a cool room  and not to give it too much water! I have been struggling for it to survive and last week I noticed it had flowers!

As soon as it is hot enough I will put it outside again.

This year, my daughter asked me what did I want for my Birthday in April ( well if the lockdown allows us) I would like some fruit trees to make an orchard in the field behind the house.

Before we had apple trees and I loved their Spring flowers so beautiful , but they were too old and we did not renew them

Because we had goats and donkeys and too much apple would not have been good for them.

We also had a peach tree and a vegetable garden.

So this year my present will be trees certainly after the lockdown

As we have a new one for four weeks beginning tomorrow.

My daughter and her husband will plant them for me.

I am very happy with this idea of planting new trees.

And at the very end of the field I have three oak trees to plant.

The two were Alpine goats big ones.

This one was the smallest one
They are very tiny legs, so cute!

In fact the small ones came through my fence from my neighbour who did not look after them and finally I bought them to stay with us. The first one with his mother was born in the snow and I rescued him finally this one my neighbour gave it to me.

I only have a dog now, but I use to have cats and rabbit too.

I hope we can plant our orchard soon!

I wish you a good day.

4 commentaires:

  1. You have a green thumb to be able to grow that lemon tree! Nineteen lemons is a lot from such a young tree! How nice to be getting fruit trees for your birthday, and not having to plant them youself! I loved the photos you shared of your animals you had. The goats are adorable but the donkeys absolutely have my heart. You were kind to buy those uncared-for goats from your neighbor. They had a great life with you!

  2. I heard on the news that all of France was in another lock down. People are starting to be more careless again here too and I fear the virus will spread again. We are vaccinated and many older people are, so we are lowering the age limit, but some people, too many, are refusing to vaccine. :-(
    Your little animal farm must have been a delightful place for your children to grow up.

  3. The goats look pretty, we had a mother and kid when I was a child, they are like dogs when petted and treated kindly - yours have beautiful coats - I find their eyes a bit creepy though!

  4. What adorable animals you used to have. I especially like the little donkey.
    It amazes me that you have a lemon tree and got 19 lemons from it.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....