jeudi 1 avril 2021

Making my own yogourts and strange weather!

 Hello friends,

This morning when I woke up , I heard the cuckoo for the first time of the year. As we say here, if you have money in your pocket when you ear the cuckoo for the first time, you’ll be rich all year! Unfortunately, I was I bed and had no money in my pocket!

For two days we had very warm weather up to 24C but today it is going down and the sun has desappered.

I just heared  on the radio, that on Monday and Tuesday we will have snow!! We must be careful in the garden, as winter is back.

Yesterday, I could not do much, too tired. But, I made some yogourts . I now, after a long time can make the perfect yogourts!

I use organic  whole milk (1 liter) two soup spoons of organic dehydrated plain milk and organic lactic ferments.

I switch on the maker for 9 hours and cover it. The room temperature is important  and then you get delicious yogourts.

They are not liquid any more! I finally found the correct recipe. So two weeks ago I bought another maker and now we have our yogurts for the week.

I saw on the thermometer that we have already lost 10 degrees in one night!

I wish you  good Easter days.

7 commentaires:

  1. It is good that you can make yogourts. I have never tried it. I buy it in shops.The thermometer shows that it is also 10 degrees less here like it was yesterday.
    I also wish you good Easter days.

  2. I am very impressed that you can make yogurt! It is so very expensive to get in the store that I don't buy many containers although I would like to! I hope you keep feeling stronger and stronger, and that this little last bit of colder weather gets out of the way!

  3. I used to make yogurt, but haven't for some time now. I used glass jars and my oven light overnight. They tasted good. I like your little yogurt pots.

  4. I have never made yogurt, but I eat it for lunch almost every day.
    We are getting a colder dip in the weather for a few days, but not that cold! The Easter Bunny will shiver.

  5. I also eat yogurt almost every day but I am too lazy to make my own. Your little pots are cute and I imagine the yogurt that you make is delicious.

  6. I like it, the yoghurt is definitely very tasty and you know what's in it :-) I bake my own bread and make all my jams myself ... and if possible I buy the groceries from the farmer. Good food is great :-) Happy Easter to you. And greetings from Viola
    p.s. Yes, from this night there will be a light frost - I cover my plants!

  7. It sounds great to make your own yoghurt. I had not heard about the electric yoghurt maker before, but googled it and found that we can buy it in Norway too. I eat yoghurt each morning, so maybe I should try. I hope you don't get snow!!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....