mercredi 21 avril 2021

A DIY day.


Hello Friends, 
Today, the postman had his arms full of paquets!
As we can’t go out, I ordered what I needed on internet and I received all at the same time!
While I am doing my family felt rabbits, Bandit is mole hunting.
Unfortunately they are back!
I received my blue tits felted wool kit from England from Felt and dandy. The kit is very complete and I am expecting to make it soon.
Then two planters for my shed from Sostrene Grenes and ceramic balls.
Some more glue I needed.
And clothes from Germany.
It was Xmas!
My son is leaving Iceland tomorrow and return to Dubai with 40C!
Last video!
I hope you’ll have a good day.

5 commentaires:

  1. You are busy making things! That must mean you are feeling better. To go from Iceland to Dubai is quite a change. I've enjoyed your son's videos. Have a great day!

  2. The lava video was scary! I would be so afraid to be close to it. You really did have "Christmas in April!" Good! I love seeing your little bunny girl sitting by the book of how to make the bunny family.

  3. We have moles too - pesky little buggers!
    That volcano is amazing! I wouldn't want to be close to it.
    Happy mail day for you!

  4. We get moles too, but no doggie to dig them.
    What a fun day receiving all of your "gifts" at once.

  5. I can see why it seemed like Christmas when all your lovely packages arrived. I'm sure you'll have hours of fun making projects.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....