vendredi 17 novembre 2023

Autumn colours in the kitchen !

This week I did not want to go this week, not feeling too well and very bad weather.
So, as I ran out of food at the end of the week, I decided to open the kitchen cabinets and look at what I had got in stock. I had baking rice and baked a salted caramel rice pudding. I had tuna cans and made a tuna loaf with 
Cheese adding a sauce with low fat cream and tomato sauce served with salad. ( below)

Then egg cream « crème aux œufs »
Last night my husband went to get food from our favourite restaurant. We had plenty of mixed vegetable salad, pan Jo chicken, avocado… and a lemon cheese cake.
Today, we are shopping together, but next week I will start shop delivery again as I am not feeling too well
This will help.
Here it is Always raining and windy so better stay inside by the fire!
Thank you for coming.

6 commentaires:

  1. hope your weather gets friendly and kind soon my friend !
    you got good out of stock and looks great :)
    stay smiling as sun will be back with his golden smiles !

  2. Your sweets are so nice and they must be delicious. It is windy here and I am inside now. I will cook soon.
    I hope that you will feel well again. Have a good rest at weekend! Hugs.

  3. You are such a good cook!
    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well and praying you are soon better.
    Alaina and Ruby are coming over soon and we will be working on the houses!

  4. It looks like you made delicious food from what you had in stock! Best wishes for feeling better, and that the weather will be better!

  5. You did a lot of food creating for someone who was not feeling well!

  6. You did very well with what was in your pantry. I do hope you feel much better soon.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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