vendredi 3 novembre 2023

The calm after the storm ⛈️

After the storm, the birds are back and the deers back to the forest! Our weeping willows have suffered but still up!

 Hello Friends,

Last night on the coast they had thunderstorms and flooding ! Here, the wind has stopped and we could sleep, but I just heard on the radio that another storm ( of less intensity) is arriving Tomorrow.

Today it’s chaotic for the many people who still have power cuts. They can’t charge their electric cars, open their electric window shutters and have no heating, no phone…

Trains are impacted with lots of trees fallen on the railways. The bridges are re opened.

Two people died in our country and others in Europe.

I hope it will not be the weather we will now have with the climate changes but I think we must unfortunately get used to these dangerous kind of weather. This rare phenomenon  is called «  a climatic bomb » and it really was in some places especially on our coast. 

Our trees have been damaged by the wind but not uprooted, we are lucky! 

We will have a brief relief 😮‍💨 until tomorrow. But the wind intensity will be much lower just an Autumn storm like we use to have in November, but trees that have been  damaged still can fall and we must be careful.

This morning it is all silent and I appreciate. This afternoon I have to do some shopping before the weekend . This weekend if the roads are opened I must go to the cemetery to flourish my family graves as the cemetery were closed for  the Day of the Dead.

Thank you so much for your concern I hope you are all well.

I had a look at my stamp drawer and forgot I had so many, plus the rubber stamps

Vintage  animal school stamps and some of my best ones!

4 commentaires:

  1. I used to have lots of stamps too, but sold them when I started working more and didn't have time. Looking at yours brought back good memories though.
    I'm thankful this storm has passed and you don't have terrible damage. I'm sorry there is another on the way though!

  2. I also had stamps in my childhood: Snowhite and the 7 dwarfs. I liked them very much. Unfortunately they have disappeared.
    I hope the next storm doesn't cause too much damage.
    It has been raining here since morning. I hope the weather will be nicer on Sunday because we will celebrate M.-s birthday.
    All the best to you!

  3. I have so many unused stamps, and will never get round to using them.

  4. That's a lot of stamps! I have none.


DIY placemats and table scape.

Hello Friends, This morning it is cloudy ⛅️ and we’re expecting some rain 🌧️ so no terrace cleaning today, it’ll be delayed to tomorrow. My...