mardi 14 novembre 2023

Giverny and painting exhibition.

My favourite one! I love it!

Yesterday, I was sorting out my photos and found these ones from Giverny and a painting exhibition on children in paintings.
I really liked the theme and it was a beautiful exhibition I wanted to share with you.

Monet’s house. A colourful one!

I particularly like the painted furniture 

The view from the garden from the bedroom. It was mid season and not many flowers.
Monet and his wife
One bedroom

The dinning room with beautiful yellow !
Yellow and blue 

Thank you for coming!

7 commentaires:

  1. I loved visiting Monet's house, and managed to go in a couple of different seasons, seeing wonderfully colourful tulips, roses and so many beautiful flowers.

  2. I like nice paintings. I love impressionists. Thanks for the photos.

  3. Thanks for taking us on this little tour. The paintings are beautiful. So interesting to see Monet's house!

  4. Thank you for sharing! Beautiful paintings, and nice interior.

  5. I like Monet paintings very much, and visiting Giverny in spring time was one of the highlights of my travels.

  6. Love the bedroom and kitchen!! The paintings are beautiful...

  7. I loved visiting Monet's house and garden just once and would love to go again. The yellow dining room was so bright and pretty. Love all the mother and child paintings.


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