lundi 27 novembre 2023

A nice surprise !

I went shopping and found this lovely cookies 

Jar and some containers to sort out all my scrapbooking stuff 

 Hello Friends,

This morning I went to have a look at my corner shop. We usually receive a mail at the end of each day to know if we have sold some items and I did not receive any on Saturday evening… but… they had problems to send the mails !

And… I have sold 10 items in one day! And I rented the place for three weeks!

I must go hunting in the house! I have put two more items today but must go back tomorrow again. 

Have a good day.

8 commentaires:

  1. Well done! And I like the cookie jar.

  2. I love the cookie jar!
    Glad you are doing so well in the shop.

  3. You are off to a good start with sales in your shop! The cookie jar is very nice.

  4. Like everybody else, I love the cookie jar. Thanks for the update on your shop. Keep us posted.

  5. The cookie jar is wonderful... I think I'll go hunting too :-))
    Good luck with continued success.

  6. I like the cookie jar very much. It will be good for advent and Christmas. I wish you all the best and good health.
    I got your mail and I answered it immediately. I hope you have received it.

  7. Congratulations!!! And I love the cookie jar!
    Have a great day!


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