jeudi 30 novembre 2023

Maileg house at Xmas.

 The past week, I did the Maileg house dusting and today I finished the Xmas decoration.

Last year I have knitted them red and white scarves for Xmas 🎄 
Today, I won’t do much my right knee being blocked 
But I will continue my journals.
Yesterday I prepared the meals for a few days so I can rest my knee and take pain killers!
Have a good day.

mercredi 29 novembre 2023

Baking day.

 Today, I decided to bake , a chard pie with  nutmeg ,eggs ,cream and grated cheese.

Then it was a long time I baked fruit cake , which is waiting to go in the oven and before I baked and apple pie with cinnamon. I also made butternut soup with onion for tonight.When I use the oven I bake two or three dishes when the oven is hot.

I had a busy morning and now I am resting and watching tv.

Now I have sold 15 items in my shop, but don’t know if I will have enough for the two coming weeks.

Hope you enjoyed your day!

mardi 28 novembre 2023

This and that…

I started a small journal and this is what I do while watching TV in the evening.

This year, the amaryllis will be red and white.
Between two showers a little bit of sun!
Last year in Summer I bought this teapot 🫖 from a closing shop for Maxime.
I find it very cute.

 This morning I had an appointment to do my nails

💅 I like to have my nails done at the little beauty saloon  in the village next to mine, we chat and this is a moment of relaxation, as the next client did not come I had a facial care and massage to relax more!

Then the place where I have my little corner space called me a lady wanted two of my items and one price label was gone, but after asking me to reduce the price she bought the two. I already have sold 11 items in three days. So I went back home, took some more things to sell and went back to my shop.

I am really surprised because everything is in order people take good care of my display , Maybe it is because I decorated it?

Well, I am very happy 😃 to see that some people are still behaving “normally” nowadays!

It was late and I phoned my husband and we met in our little restaurant to have lunch together.

Then I went to the post to send two parcels 📦 one of them is for Maxime’s Christmas 🎄 .

Now, I will have a rest and will work on my “ art journal”.

Have a good day!

lundi 27 novembre 2023

A nice surprise !

I went shopping and found this lovely cookies 

Jar and some containers to sort out all my scrapbooking stuff 

 Hello Friends,

This morning I went to have a look at my corner shop. We usually receive a mail at the end of each day to know if we have sold some items and I did not receive any on Saturday evening… but… they had problems to send the mails !

And… I have sold 10 items in one day! And I rented the place for three weeks!

I must go hunting in the house! I have put two more items today but must go back tomorrow again. 

Have a good day.

dimanche 26 novembre 2023

A Christmas Gift in the box 📦!

Yesterday I have been on Skype one hour and a half with Maxime. My son had put Christmas Carols and a burning fire on TV and Maxime and his mother have decorated the Christmas tree! So I could participate to the event of his first Christmas!
 Today, we went shopping this morning to the big toy shop right in the country in the middle of fields!

I forgot to take pictures, but it is very big and we don’t have to go down to town.

I was looking for an interactive toy speeding french and English for Maxime and a toy smart phone as he uses boxes as a smartphone, copying his parents when they are working at home. This one gives the name of animals in french and teach numbers.

This afternoon we sorted out all the Christmas decorations and tomorrow when i am going to my corner shop I will bring some to sell.

Three big boxes are now empty!

Thank you for coming.

vendredi 24 novembre 2023

My morning at the second hand shop

Starting the mantel Christmas decoration!

These are the stamps I got at the second hand shop
About 20 stamps and about 50 scrapbooking sheets for 15 euros !

I recieved my embellishments from Tim Holtz.

This is the Xmas rolling pin

 Today, is the day of my little corner shop’s opening!

The car has been loaded last night, but unfortunately it is raining so I will have to carry everything under the rain. I will go there early in order to park near the place and before Black Friday’s crowd.

I usually sell in the summer »vide grenier » outside in the villages, but this time it’s a permanent one inside and I rented for three weeks.

First this morning I installed my shop corner and it was hard work! Taking all the items from my car, going to the shop put the prices and put anti thief on each one.

I left at 9h30 and came back at 11h30

But it is installed I hope I did not make any mistakes !

On my way to my shop I found a Xmas pastry mom rolling pin and just opposite to my shop was a lot of scrapbooking items ! 

Well! I don’t know if I’ll sell something but I have already spent money ! 😆 

jeudi 23 novembre 2023

Craft Advent calendar.

 Hello Friends!

Today, I must prepare the goods I am going to sell in my little shop. I rented the place for three weeks and see if it sells, then of yes I will rent for another 3 weeks.

I am not feeling too well, but I must be there tomorrow before 10. It must be attractive so I decided to decorate it a little.

I just received my craft Advent calendar from” Daphne’s diary” from the Netherlands! It’s big and have many crafting goods inside I was curious 👀 and had a look at one drawer and saw some masking tapes…

It is very nice decorated and can be reused to keep craft items inside when Xmas is over.

They added little paper presents to the order.

Daddy bought Maxime his first desk to read his books 📚 😆. I Hope to be able to see him in January or February, not being too well in November. I must get better since then!

For those of you who are having Thanksgiving today. “Happy Thanksgiving “!

We don’t have thanksgiving here, but I give Thanks to have met you my blogging friends and to have this little one in my life!

dimanche 19 novembre 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving to my US friends ! ( in advance) because I was not feeling well 
Last week and this morning I had arythmie again after a very stressful Saturday afternoon and a difficult week my son  in Dubai being ill.
My doctor husband is trying to keep me home with some medication anti arrhythmic so  and anti coagulant.
I hope to be back on my feet soon for the opening of my little shop on Friday.
If things don’t go back to normal I will have to go to the clinic again.
Since then, see you soon I hope.



Family team

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...