mardi 19 septembre 2023

Kennel day!

( source: internet)

Today, I did my one hour drive to get Bandit to the kennel. He was SO pleased to see me back! I is doing like the dogs on the picture hide under his blanket!

He likes to be confortable!!!

He went to make atour of  his garden to see if other animals came during his stay at the kennel.

He was very quiet as usual on the drive back home

 Now he can have a rest with his mum!

I talked to the girl at the kennel and they have many dogs owners that never come back to get their dog so there are abandoned. With the economical crisis many people can’t afford to feed and go to the vet with their dog , having difficulties to pay their bills.

The kennel look for new families for them.

They are usually big dogs, but if they get a small female one they will phone me as Bandit feels lonely I may adopt one.

The dogs and cats rescues are full of abandoned animals, so sad!

It’s good to be home 🏠!

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Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!