dimanche 18 avril 2021

Out in the country by the river.

 Hello Friends,

Feeling much better, after the nurse came and we had lunch we were off to the valley just two kilometres from home to take pictures , we went by car. And then to the garden center.

The picture are from the river « Oison » which ends  in the river Seine.

The little house is the smallest town hall of France.

Imagine a wedding in that small house!

The family has to stay outside.

It is unusual to have a religious statue on a republican town hall

As here religion ans state are separated. I love this small river although I  fall into it when I was little.

My grand parents’s garden had the river coming through   It and all grandchildren have fallen into it.

The little green bridge reminds me of Giverny Monet’s garden.

You can also see some Normand cows brown and white in the valley. I would love to go to Monet’s garden as soon as possible and take pictures. It is a wonderful garden ! At this time of year it is full of all sorts and colours of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils...

Next the wisterias will flourish, some are going on the green bridge and them the water lilies on the pound with the reflection of the weeping willows.

On one corner of the garden you have a poultry with roosters and hens.

The first garden is in front of the house and then the second part with the pond you have to go under the road by a tunnel.

The house is wonderfully romantic. I especially love the kitchen

Yellow and blue with copper saucepans everywhere.

The table is set and there is a black big furnace with shining copper.

There is a living room with Japanese prints on the walls.

On the first floor you have a stunning view of the colourful garden. I can smell the perfume of the wallflowers....

The village itself has narrow streets full of roses on each side.

There is also the hotel and restaurant Baudy where all the painters

Used to stay.

As an end Monet is buried in the little cometary in Giverny.

I miss this garden a lot I was nice to go there, go to the painting museum and have lunch there. Hope I can go there very soon to take pictures of this beautiful garden .

6 commentaires:

  1. Such lovely photos and a beautiful countryside! Loved all of the information and history for each photo! I hope this finds that you are continuing to feel better

  2. Your countryside is beautiful too.
    My husband and I visited Giverny while on a river b oat cruise. It was in late June I think. It was incredibly beautiful, one of the highlights of our travels in Europe.

  3. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  4. Jij bent het Allemaal zo realistisch dat ik er bijna rondloop (met mijn rollator)
    Maar wanneer we het goed en vooral veilig willen houden zullen we beter wachten tot 14 dagen na de tweede vaccinatie.
    Mijn man en ik heb de eerste vaccinatie prik gehad.
    Wij komen al een lange tijd de deur amper uit en dat houden we nog een tijdje vol tot het weer wel kan.
    Bedankt voor het delen van je mooie foto's.
    Lieve groet, Ger

  5. I'm glad you are doing well.
    You live in such a beautiful area. I love the little river and that very small town hall. I'm always a fan of cows. Such peaceful countryside!

  6. Your description of Monet's garden is so lovely. How fortunate you are to be able to visit it often. I was there once and fell in love with all of it, but especially the kitchen with the copper and the blue tiles. We walked down to the church and cemetery and then up along the back side of town and saw some kangaroos in a farmer's field that really surprised us. I hope you can go back there soon.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....