lundi 12 avril 2021

My Birthday dream in fairy land.

 Hello Friends,

Today, is my Birthday 65 already!

No party, nobody because of the lockdown, but this how I would like my Birthday party to be!

Let’s dream there is no Covid, nor lockdown and we can gather with the family!

Dreaming is always possible!

Have a nice day and take good care.

(Source Pinterest) 

I just found on my door step these presents from a friend of mine.

I was surprised because my gate was open for the nurse to come and she did not want to come in case of contamination.

I enjoy it very much!

6 commentaires:

  1. I wish a happy birthday again. :) I am 64 years old. We are almost the same age.
    Yes, let's dream about a good future without Covid, contamination and a nice birthday party.
    You got nice presents from your friend.
    Have a good day today! I hope that you are well.

  2. Lieve Catherine HARTELIJK GEFELICITEERD met je verjaardag🥳💐🎂🍾🥂
    Ook al zal deze dag anders verlopen dan de vorige 64 ik wens je toch een fijne dag!

    Lieve groet,

  3. Happiest of Birthdays to you Catherine. I imagine fairies have the most amazing parties, and I'm sure they would welcome you to their table :)
    My brother has also just turned 65 (I'm a little older). Sometimes I wonder where all the years went because I don't feel that old!

  4. Happy birthday! Your gifts are lovely, and , Oh my, yes, that is the birthday party of our dreams.

  5. Happy, Happy Birthday! I turned 60 this year, so am not too far behind you. My celebration was also subdued because of covid.
    I like your photos - looks perfect! And the flowers are just gorgeous.

  6. Happy Birthday! I am just a few months younger than you so have the same number birthday to look forward to later on. Will we be able to get together to celebrate? I don't know. Lovely flowers, and yes, let's dream of a fantasy birthday!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....