lundi 18 septembre 2023

An Island 🏝️

In the exotic garden on Batz island they found a Neolithic necropolis .

Huge ferns are covering the path
A view from the garden

When we crossed by boat from Roscoff to Batz island

 I love thèse typical houses with blue shutters and the very narrow streets.
I had to take the only taxi on the island to go to the garden, it was far and difficult for me to walk there and we had a connection with the driver who is involved in the life of the island and he told us that

Their only doctor is going to retire and they are looking for another general practitioner, we could go and live there but it’s a hard life and many urgencies going on the continent by helicopter   Only one or two electric cars ( I don’t know how they could get there? )and hard winters with rough sea. We will try to find a young  GP in Normandy for them who likes sailing and island life.
Many Islands are looking for nurse and GP here, but also on the continent.
Somebody from the island wrote: “ our island is not a postcard”  it is beautiful but a difficult life!

5 commentaires:

  1. It sure is charming! But I can see that there are problems that go with living there.

  2. I love the giant fern trees!
    Living there would indeed have its hardships.

  3. An interesting and lovely place to visit but to live and work there would be challenging.

  4. I can only imagine how difficult life there would be for you...good decision.
    But how Beautiful!! I'm a nurse and if I were much younger, I probably would have applied! lol....Before I had my babies!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....