mardi 23 mars 2021

Spring in the garden

Wasabi flower.

 Hello friends,

Today, we have a cold , but sunny weather.

I had a look at the garden as every morning, give a new apple to the birds and look at the wasabi on the first picture, it is in flower.

My outside bonsaïs have their leaves coming out. They stayed outside all winter.

Nono the robot is at work, doing a good job! The moles have left to the field next door, they don.t like the vibrations of the robot.

You can see my small Magnolia which flowers are coming out pretty soon.

Today, I will go for a walk under the sun!

I wish you a good day.

Squirrel food

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4 commentaires:

  1. I can see the Magnolia,it is nice. There is no such a spring here. I can nor see flowers when I walk.

  2. De lente is in zicht,heerlijk!
    Leuk een bloeiende Wasabi plant,nooit eerder gezien.

    Geniet van je wandeling en lieve groet,

  3. How beautiful! Your garden is lovely and you have a green thumb, even to grow bonsai and wasabi! The magnolia is breath-taking. We called them "saucer magnolias" when I lived in the American South.

  4. Thank you for again taking me out to your garden.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....