mercredi 24 mars 2021

Country life

 Hello friends,

As I already told you, we have birds everywhere!

We have four nests, sparrows nests on top of three windows and one on top of our balcony and they are sharing the space with a bat!

They stay here the whole year, sleeping in their nests during the winter or under the roof . Too crowded, not enough room!

To do their nests, they go and fetch the wool from the sheep’s next door, so it is warm in the winter and cool in Summer, clever isn’t it?

During the day, they eat, drink, take a bath and chat in the bush behind the little magnolia. They chat all the time and very loud!

We have about 30 sparrows and with the four nests I wonder how many we’ll have this Spring!

The first picture, is a picture of one end of the roof.

One end is like this in Normand houses. You can see it on picture 6 our neighbour ´s house.

And this is where the bat lives and one of the nest and generally you have a balcony there.

I always try to use the balcony and clean it, but I am desperate

It is always dirty!

Bats are protected, but they scare me.

Last Summer as I was closing the window, a bat came in our living room, went up the stairs and settled in my son’s room upside down. My husband manage to get it outside!

These are the joys of country side!

Have a good day!

Birds nests 

8 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. I also have to clean my balcony after winter but I do not have bats and sparrows to make it dirty. I want to sit out when spring comes.There are not so much flowers here like in your country.
    I was walking today the weather was cold and windy. It was like in winter.

  3. Living in the country does have its challenges, as well as many delights. It's all looking very pretty in your garden. I do not like bats, either.

  4. We usually put a very light outdoor carpet on one part of our driveway, which is a circle. We put it under whatever branch the doves have chosen that year, to catch their droppings. We can the droppings and easily toss it off into the garden or hose it off. They make such a mess but I don't want to scare them away, life is so hard for them already in the desert. As always, you home and yard are so beautiful! I love bats, but I would be scared if one flew inside!

  5. Wonen op het platteland heeft in mijn optiek toch nog altijd meer voor dan nadelen.
    Zie jou heerlijke ruime tuin met fantastische bloesem bomen.
    Wat de tuinbezoekers betreft heb ik in mijn kleine stadstuintje ook niet te klagen, heel veel mussen in soorten die meerdere keren per dag komen badderen,drinken,insecten zoeken en nesten bouwen.
    Weet niet of ik blij zou worden van vleermuisbezoek, ben bang van hun uitwerpselen die serieuze gezondheids risico geven voor de mens bij het opveging daarvan.

    Lieve groet,Ger

  6. We have a lot of birds here too because of our trees and shrubs. Fortunately none of them nest on our house.

  7. I love the country life, but am not a fan of bats either. WE have lots of birds too, but our nests are in the trees.

  8. Do you know what kind of Sparrows you have? I love to watch birds in my back yard and I keep a pair of binoculars close by so I can identify them ( if I can).


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....