jeudi 18 mars 2021

Let see another room of the house.

 Hello friends,

Today, a tour of the last bedroom, my son’s room.
At this time, I was reading “ Cote ouest” magazine and they were selling wallpaper and fabric, so it inspired me as my son loves the sea, I found this wallpaper.
His disinter and I put all the planets you can see on the cieling as he is found of astronomy. They shine a few hours when dark.
I found this cieling lamp which light is very special on the cieling.
The little horse toy , is Palomino, coming from our trip to Cornwall.
The frame on top of the desk we brought it from Canada.
The chest of drawers was painted white by me and had the drawers decorated with wallpaper.
The view is the window view and you can see the tree blooming in pale pink and the small magnolia in buds.
I wish you a good day.

6 commentaires:

  1. Your son's room very well decorated. Enjoy your day.

  2. How lovely all of your photos look! You have a talent for decorating!

  3. I enjoy seeing your house tours, and especially the view of your garden.

  4. I really like it! My husband is also a lover of the sea and we have a nautical family room.

  5. I am amazed by that strange and wonderful ceiling lamp! Your home is so beautiful, so gracious.

  6. Its a very pretty room, I like the paper and the way you have decorated your drawer set.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....