vendredi 19 mars 2021

Keeping busy and vintage post cards.

 Hello friends,

Today, we know that we will have again a lockdown for one month again! With my surgery in September and not been able to go out, I have spent half of last year home.

I must keep busy and that’s why I decided to use my pastels again.

This is what I am working on at the moment.

And at the same time I tried a Scottish landscape.

Looking for something in my drawers, I found these vintage post cards.

The post cards did not come in the order, but at the back are only initials and the girl’s address. It was the way, this man declared his love. An old time!

I wish you a good weekend.

7 commentaires:

  1. The 3rd wave of the virus is here in Hungary. Many people are infected and die. I do not know it either what will happen in the future. I am waiting for the vaccina to get it.
    I wish you a happy weekend.

  2. How talented you are! I love both pastels but I am just in love with the still life leaf-vase. I am sorry about the lock-down. All these mutations they are finding is frightening. I wish you could get the vaccine soon.

  3. I worry that careless people in our country will cause us to have to take more drastic measures due to Covid variants.
    Your pastels are wonderful.

  4. You are very talented! I really like your landscape.
    The vintage postcards are awesome!

  5. This pandemic just keeps going on and on. I hope it will soon run its course. Your pastels are lovely, I especially like the Scottish landscape, so moody.
    Happy weekend.

  6. Good morgning, and thank you so much for the comments at my blog lately! Your painting looks lovely! I am sorry about the look down, but hopefully that, and the vaccination, will help us through this pandemic. Have a lovely weekend!

  7. The painting of the Scottish landscape is beautiful, I love the colours. We are in a lockdown here too. My husband will get the vaccine next week, and in some weeks I think I will get it too.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....