lundi 22 mars 2021

A big surprise.

 Hello friends

Ten years ago, my son bought this cactus .
I forgot it on a window sill and one day I found three beautiful flowers I had never seen before.
They did not last very long, but it was so unexpected.
I wish you a good evening.

5 commentaires:

  1. What an incredible cactus! I love their flowers, the petals are so thin and translucent. I guess "benign neglect" really does work with houseplants! I fuss over mine and overwater them, I will try your "windowsill & forget" method!

  2. Wow! That is a beautiful flower!

  3. Those blooms are so delicate - I would call them Perfectly Pretty :)

  4. Such lovely surprises! The gift goes on . . .

  5. Oh, so pretty. Cactus plants don't win beauty contests, but their blooms make up for it.


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