mercredi 10 mars 2021

A portrait.

 Hello friends,

Mister Bandit, is not feeling well today.

He has eaten his weekly special bone, nearly in one day !

We did not pay attention on Sunday and now he has an indigestion...stay in bed, does not want to eat..

For Christmas, my daughter ordered from a firm in the USA a portrait of my husband’s dog. The post being so slow in France he got it end of January.

Mr Bandit, does not like other dogs, nor cats, nor horses ( we have next door), nor sheep’s... he only loves mum and dad!

Especially mum, but dad for the long walks, for the week end bone and the toys!

When he goes to the kennel, they have to take him for a walk on it’s own or with his only friend  an old dog as Mr Bandit is agressive with his dog fellows!

He has been attacked by other dogs when he was young and now is very frightened.

This is a good mole hunter , waiting for hours and listening in the ground for moles.

7 commentaires:

  1. Poor Mr Bandit, he is in the best place, a loving home where he is the special, only dog. He's very handsome. His portrait is impressive.

  2. He is a lovely dog, I hope he will be better soon.

  3. I wish Mister Bandit good health.:) He is in good place in your house and garden.

  4. Hello Catherine. Thanks for visiting my blog today. I love that portrait of Mr Bandit, it is really cute. I hope he has recovered from his indigestion now.

  5. Aww - That portrait is so cute, and so is Mr Bandit. I hope he feels better soon!

  6. Mr Bandit's fancy portrait is quite elegant. I sure hope he feels better soon.

  7. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!