mardi 2 mars 2021

My favorite....

 Hello friends,
This morning we still have frost, but sunny.
If I remember when I bought this chair it was in a shop with pieces of furniture coming from theUSA.
I had this chair for a long time and I love it. I made a burlap coffee bag cushion, which I think is matching with the chair.

I love it , because it is hand day, I took a lesson to do patchwork and if I remember it’s a Pineapple pattern? My children remember, I was always nervous , do and un do until it was right.
I think to begin, it is a difficult pattern.
I am admiring the work you are doing on your blogs, it is so nicely done!
I wish you a good day.

4 commentaires:

  1. Pineapple quilts are VERY hard to piece and VERY famous and desirable! Yours is just BEAUTIFUL! I love your chair, I have seen them for sale here in the U.S. They are very eye-catching.

  2. I love the rustic chair! The quilt you made is beautiful done. It looks like a lot of work!

  3. Rustic furniture was all the rage in the Hudson River "camps" of the wealthy in New York a hundred years ago. It is still commonly made here and I admire the workmanship.
    Your quilt is a masterpiece.

  4. The burlap cushions that you made for your chair suit it very well.


A very hot day.

Today, we went to the windmill to get some fresh flour then we decided to go shopping. We are used to go shopping each time we go there. Aft...