lundi 15 mars 2021

Good souvenirs.

Hello friends,

When we did our Spring cleaning last weekend, I came across some pastels I did 25 years ago.

This place is in Corentin on the west coast of France . It is the peninsula above Brittany and it ‘a a part of Normandy.

The lighthouse is “ le phare de Goury” , this place is also called little Ireland.

I used to go there with the children, stay in a farm and go walking on the narrow costal lanes called “ les chemins des douaniers”

It was going up and down on the high cliffs with the sea on one side. We had a spectacular view from there, but had to be careful

Where we put our feet!

I  did not remember I did a pastel of it.

I remember I did not do a drawing, but did that with my fingers.

As you can see, as it is a peninsula the weather changes a lot

And you may have the whole seasons in one day.But, living in Normandy I love it.

My son in Dubai is often home sick, because all  days are the same , blue sky and sun!

We had very good time there!

After our walks, we use to stop and sit outside on top of the hill and have a crepe at a food truck and my son always said it was the best he had ever eaten! So just before we left to go back home, she was giving him some of her crepes to go back home!

Such good souvenirs!

The main town is Cherbourg. Do you known «  les parapluies de Cherbourg » the umbrellas of Cherbourg. The musical.

Yesterday, as I told you I saw the surgeon and my surgery will be March 30th it is going is bird ans flower cross stitch on my other blog.

5 commentaires:

  1. Such a beautiful place! and the painting of it is beautiful too. I would have loved to walk there. Best wishes for the surgery.

  2. What a beautiful painting - love the colours!
    Have a great week and take care...

  3. Walking along the cliffs sounds wonderful. Your pastel captures it beautifully.

  4. You are so talented! I really like your paintings.
    Here in Michigan we have changes of season, right now we are awaiting Spring. I like the changes and appreciate each one.
    I missed the post about your surgery. Will be praying for you!

  5. What beautiful pastels! You have a real talent! I love them! I understand your son's homesickness for the weather. When I lived in Tucson, I would get very distressed when 8 months would go by without a single cloud...


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!