lundi 29 mars 2021

A Spring day .just a quick Hello

 Just a quick Hello

I am preparing all I need for my surgery tomorrow.

Yesterday, (we are in a lockdown) but we can go to get some plants if we want, so we went to the garden center and relax a little.
We choose the plants together, but my husband planted them.

The weather is fine 21C and sun, but frost during the night.
I wish you all a good week.
Hugs. Catherine

6 commentaires:

  1. I will think of you tomorrow,too. The photos are beautiful. Hugs: Éva

  2. I hope your surgery goes well tomorrow. The flowers are so lovely.

  3. Spring is looking just beautiful there!
    Praying all goes well tomorrow and you heal quickly.

  4. The surgery will go well, and you will be strong and recover quickly, with the problems reduced or gone. That is my hope and my prayer. I will light a candle for you at Mass.

  5. Terwijl jij straks herstellende bent na je operatie wordt je tuin steeds mooier en mooier.
    Drie jaar geleden rond deze tijd onderging ik ook een rug operatie ,kanaalstenose(vernauwingen van het lendewervelkanaal, lumbale laminectomie)
    Uiteindelijk kwam het goed.

    Hou je haaks en ik wens je een goed herstel!

    Lieve groet,Ger

  6. Popping in today just to say I hope it went very well and that you now recovering comfortably.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....