lundi 25 mars 2024

Beginning of a new busy week.

Today, I went to get our “ French baguettes 🥖 “
Then as I did some work yesterday I could work on the card board castle for Maxime.
This afternoon I had a hairdresser appointment and back home I continue my colouring.
It’s quite a  job to colour this bid castle so I must finish it before June! Time goes so quickly!
As I put colours i discover the drawings it appears as I work on it. I think Maxime will like to play in it.

 I wish you a nice week!

Thank you for coming.

5 commentaires:

  1. How nice what you make, it looks like a castle. Have a great week even if it's a busy one!

  2. Of course you have to have your fresh baguettes. I remember seeing people carrying them home at lunch time in Paris. We got kicked out of a shop because they closed down for a lunch hour. We were not accustomed to that.

  3. Hello! Oh those French baguettes! I am not afraid to say I am envious of them! I am sure the ones from our grocery store here are not quite the same. Have a cozy evening!

  4. That's an amazing castle you are creating! Maxime will love it. Fresh baguettes are so delicious. We have a bakery that makes them, but they are not the same as the ones we tasted in France.

  5. Ooooh! Catherine, that castle is amazing. Maxime will be so happy!
    I'm jealous of the baguettes!


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