jeudi 8 février 2024

Rain drops keep falling on my head!

Today, is both the day I prefer!… dentist day!
I have bad childhood memories with the dentist
And it’s a new dentist.
Yesterday I was looking for some fabric I had in my closets and I came across some patchwork I did not finish. If I remember it’s a log cabin?
Granny Marigold asked me to show the blanket I finished last night. I made it with many tiny 10gr cotton balls I wanted to get rid off. But I have spent a long time hiding the threads left!
This will go to my daughter’s log cabin!

Now I must vacuum and do some laundry before living.
I will have to go under the rain… it doesn’t stop these days, but we will have water for the dry summer which is reassuring !
Have a nice day and many thanks for your visits.

4 commentaires:

  1. Thank you for showing your finished blanket; it looks very nice 💓💓
    I hope all goes well at the dentist. I don't think going to the dentist is anyone's favourite thing to do.

  2. That patchwork is more intricate than anything I could do.

  3. A lovely selection of fabric for your patchwork.

  4. I'm not a fan of going to the dentist either. Hope it went ok.
    That's a really pretty quilt piece!


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