lundi 5 février 2024

A new week after a nice weekend.

Hello Friends !
Our weekend was busy. On Saturday we went out to get  a watch my husband had left to get repaired in a small town we often go 45 mn from home and at the same time I could go to my favourite Italian clothes shop to have a look at the last sales. Last time I went there I saw this wool cardigan and it was half price, but this time a very good bargain 70 % off so I decided to buy it
, two black jumpers and a coat with hood ( all was 70% off) I can wear this coat on both sides the other one is black.
Then we had a cake and a coffee in our favourite coffee shop.
On Sunday, we stayed home I had a Skype with Maxime and we went out for a walk with Bandit our dog. The weather is all grey but the temperature was about 10 degrees.
Then I did some crocheting 🧶 to get rid of these cotton I had in a box.

I also found … a new bag! It is a faded pink colour.

 Today Monday, I am baking and cooking for the week and a special meal for my son in law who is coming to help on Wednesday.

Stuff d butternut and stuffed sweet potatoes 🍠 
Cider and carrots pork stew.
 a fruit cake loaf and vanilla yogurts.
Then blue g visits and 
Tomorrow hair cut and Thursday 😨 dentist!
I Hope you ok enjoy your week!

5 commentaires:

  1. Looks like you had a nice weekend! I really like your new sweater and the bag is so cute!
    Your son in law will enjoy what you are making for him.

  2. You are a very successful shopper. And a great cook!

  3. Your new clothes are lovely but it is the bag that I LOVE 💗💗💗

  4. The cardigan sweater looks cozy and stylish, and you found it at such a good price. Your meals sound delicious. Have a good week.


Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...