jeudi 22 février 2024

This and that…

I took of the Maileg Christmas decorations and add little flowers for Spring!

This morning a little sun before the rain
The circus for Maxime

I blowed a big Birthday cake for tomorrow !

I found one of Maxime’s Birthday present for April.All our Birthdays are between February and May !

 The storm is over, it is now all silent only the birds are slowly  waking up  We will have more rain today and I must go out to buy some items I forgot for tomorrow, such as cider to drink with the crêpes and beer to make the crêpes lighter. We are not used to drink alcohol this is why I forgot! 😆 but an exception for Normand cider with crepes!

Yesterday while shopping I found this little circus tent for Maxime. Next month I will start to organise a nursery in my son’s room for the two boys, I have plenty of ideas.

I have kept all my son’s jungle animals that will go with the circus. ( in real circuses now wild animals are forbidden here and animal in general)

This afternoon I have some cooking and baking to do, so I wish you a nice weekend !

4 commentaires:

  1. It's so good that I found the birthday present for Maxime. It's not easy to find something, but I think the little boy will be happy about it.
    I haven't tasted the cider yet. If I ever go to France again, I will.
    It is raining. I was at the store, but I don't go anywhere in the afternoon.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. I wish you a nice day too. Great birthday presents.

  3. Hooray for flowers and planning for Spring!
    I like the circus tent. Maxime will enjoy it.
    Have fun with your daughters birthday celebration!

  4. What fun to organize that bedroom for the two precious
    grandsons 💗💗


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