vendredi 2 février 2024

This and that…

This is the result and our today’s tonight ´d meal.
How to cook endives with ham and Béchamel sauce .
First I steam the endives.

You need a sauce pan, 40 gr of butter, 50 gr of flour

Half a litter of milk salt pepper and some cheese (Roquefort or grated cheese. ) any cheese you like that will easily melt and nutmeg.

Melt the butter
Add the flour 

Then add the milk and stir until it thickens and add the cheese and stir then add salt pepper and nutmeg

 Then add some cheese on top and bake about 30 mn

Temperature 180 C .

Two weeks ago, I saw an advert on tv about the washing powder my mother always used and did not exist any more. There was a gift in the paquet and I was so pleased to find it! So I decided to jump in the past, my childhood and look at the powder, but I had rather use liquid. So I decided to buy the bottle and I was surprised to find in the back of the bottle the Surprise !
The surprise is a small paquet of basil seeds and the pesto recipe !

I remember when I was little on Monday’s at school 

The   Teacher    Told my mother I was always smelling my apron sleeve and she asked me why? My answer was I am smelling home! 😆 

Today, I am preparing the parcel full of baby clothes to Dubai! 
I wish you a nice day and a nice weekend !

10 commentaires:

  1. We dont really see endives here but I used to love them cooked as your recipe. How lovely to have a little cadeau with your shopping!

  2. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  3. Oh, that food looks delicious! I eat endives every week. Thanks for the nice blog, and the baby booties at the end are so beautiful.

  4. Your meal looks so good!
    I love those little booties.
    What a sweet memory of you smelling your sleeve. :)

  5. I enjoyed your little story of smelling your sleeve because it smelled like home. That's so sweet. I'm glad you were able to get the same washing product as whet your mother used. I also prefer liquid to powder for washing clothes.

  6. I still prefer powder detergent to liquid, for various reasons, including the overuse of plastic bottles, but it is getting harder to find.
    We don't find endive here in our markets.

  7. What a sweet story of you smelling your sleeve in school. Your dinner looks delicious. I still prefer powdered laundry detergent. I'm sure you sent the parcel off to Dubai with much love.

  8. Thank you for the recipe! It looks yummy!
    I was told by our appliance man that in front loading machines, you should Always use powdered detergents. There will no longer be a foul smell from the standing water inside the machine. It works! My Bosch front loader started smelling was stagnant water. They all do it...but as soon as I changed from liquid detergent to went away after several washings. Never happened again.
    I love your memory of home...and your Mom.

  9. Dank je wel voor het recept. Ik hou van witlof.
    Leuke herinnering aan het wasmiddel.
    Mooie slofjes voor de baby.
    Fijne week!
    lieve groet Willy


This and that…

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