mercredi 21 février 2024

Choosing the Birthday table decoration.

Hello Friends,

First these are our Camélias in full bloom.


And Hellebores 
I woke up at 6 and now it is 10 and I am having my morning coffee with a speculoos biscuit ( cinnamon biscuit) so good with coffee!
Yesterday, I was wondering what will be the menu for Saturday’s Birthday . (Our daughter Maud’s Birthday)
And I found! Like in the good old days! A crêpes Party 🎈. Salted ones and surgery ones with different toppings. Cheeses, egg, bacon… and chocolate, lemon curd ( I am going to make ) jams…

We use the electric crêpe maker in the middle of the table and each one is doing his own crepe. You may have such thing in your countries ?

 The table cloth is an old one I sewed long ago
And I decorated the middle with paper napkins tomatoes 🍅.

The flowers are from the garden.

Today the weather will be rainy and windy it is so dark that I must use the light !

Thank you for coming.


7 commentaires:

  1. Your flowers are just gorgeous!
    I've never heard of a crepe maker here. It's such a good idea for her party though, and fun too!

  2. Those cinnamon biscuits are perfect with a coffee and most cafes here give them with your coffee..

  3. Love the flowers! It's warm here, finally...for a while.
    Love the tablecloth!
    I love crepe! Especially with lemon curd!
    Stay warm!

  4. I like all of your flowers. Spring is coming.
    The coffee cup is nice.
    I love crepe. When I was in France I ate a lot.

  5. When we lived in Brittany crepes were a big part of our life. They dont really figure here. Your Camellias are so lovely.

  6. What a fun party you will have. I've never seen a crepe maker like you've shown. It's a great idea! How pretty the flowers are on your table.

  7. I love crepes and make them often but I have not seen the kind that you have. Interesting. I hope the party is a big success 💗


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