jeudi 29 février 2024

This and that…

Garden bloom and a rose from my Valentine bouquet.

 Yesterday I have printed some of my pictures and will get frames on Saturday.

Mr L is working on one of his puzzle every evening !

Yesterday, I found this child little planter and I thought it would be nice to grow radishes and flowers with Maxime when he will be there. All the tools are included for 12 euros ( at Gifi) he is not used to much plants in the town and desert 🐪 !

Afterwards, I went to get some fabric for the cradle quilt and came across this fabric that will match the decoration of my son’s room and furniture transfer I will have to do in the boys’ room. Sea, lighthouse…

This is the shop 12 kms from home , nothing nearer
But they have wool and all you need for crafting.

Today it
will be reading day! Our authorities have decided to cut power during two hours today. We received a lettre and I don’t think it will only be once!

Two days ago I have heard on the local news that all the villages in our surroundings, including us will have their water bill 60% more expensive ! They have to do work on the water network and don’t have enough money…so we have to pay! But 60% more is enormous.

The power will be cut from 2 to 4 this afternoon and there may be incidents on the lines afterwards in case we did not get the power back we must call a number, I hope everything gets back to normal! Keep our fingers crossed !!!

I don’t know how the shops, hairdressers and industries will do?

Well! It’s a bad time for everybody here today, but also in the coming times!

What about your country ? Have you got problems?

But on Saturday we are going to IKEA and to a secondhand baby shop to see what we can get . I already got a baby chair last year and some toys I have cleaned and disinfected. I am so glad to decorate the boys room!

I wish you a good day!

5 commentaires:

  1. 60%! That is terrible. England is putting up prices everywhere, but hopefully not that much.

  2. That looks like a hard puzzle!
    I like that fabric, perfect for your boys room and the planter will be fun for Maxime.
    I hope you do ok with the power cuts today.

  3. It's mostly food that has gone up here. Gasoline was way up but is coming back down.
    Some areas here have power cuts in hot weather.

  4. 60% is a huge increase. Things are going up here in Canada, too, but not that much. Food is much more expensive. You are planning such fun things to do with Maxim when he arrives. The planter is a great idea.

  5. We were shocked to receive our water Bill which had gone up from under $200 to over $400. This is winter and I can imagine how much it will cost when I start watering my garden in summer!!!

    The little planter is so cute. Maxime will love it.


This and that…

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