dimanche 12 juin 2022

A busy weekend!

This weekend we have rented a van to clear all we did not want any more. All was stocked in the garage and Mr L went twice to the dump.

Then we worked in the garden and I decorated it with the Garland Of my son’s wedding I was keeping in a box.
My small potager is growing we already ate some salads and some strawberries everyday.
This evening we will go to give some of my clothes to the Emmaus.

We did a very good job !
But our next job is to paint the my garden house, I have got the paint but could not do it last year because of health problems, Mr L will help me!
The paint is between grey and kaki.
Next week will be a hot week better to work inside!

5 commentaires:

  1. Your garden shed will look great in the new colour and it must be nice to have all the unwanted things taken away. The garland looks very lovely.

  2. You have been busy - good job! The shed is going to look great with the new paint color.

  3. It is good to clear all that we do not want any more.But it is not easy to start.
    You always work a lot, I respect it.

  4. You've been very busy. The garden shed will look so fresh in a new coat of paint.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....