mercredi 29 juin 2022

Very busy day.

Last night I have watched a program called “ the cleaners” it’s about people who have problems to clean their house and need help. The houses are very dirty !
Mr L does not like the program, but went out to take the dog for a walk so I could watch it…
This morning I felt like doing some 🧽 🧹 cleaning!
I started during the weekend by cleaning the downstairs windows, so today I cleaned the downstairs floors 
Upstairs 🪟 windows, did the dusting in four rooms.
Yesterday I did the ironing and have new clothes to ironed today.
This is one of the bedroom I cleaned. On the bookshelves are my magazines.

 Door going on the balcony, picture from travels
Next was my son’s room

Notice the map of Canada above the desk!

I did the study which has also a big white wardrobe on one wall
The upstairs bathroom 
Our room
And now I am watching Hercule Poirot!
Yesterday I finished a book, started another one and finished it last night… so I started a new one this morning!
I think I will have a cup of cocoa!
Tomorrow is the day I go to hospital for my eye laser.
Now that I have cleaned the windows …. They are harvesting before the rain! Dust everywhere! 😆 

5 commentaires:

  1. With all of that work, how did you have time for all of the reading! Good luck with your eye treatment.

  2. Wow, you accomplished a lot! Watching Hercule Poirot is a well-deserved break. I noticed the map of Canada on your son's wall. Has he visited this country?

  3. You have a lovely home. I like the slanted ceilings in the bedrooms.
    Years ago I watched a clean-your-house kind of show called Fly Lady. Every week she'd give a list of jobs to accomplish. I wonder if she's still around.

  4. I checked and Yes, she is. if you are interested.

  5. You did a lot! Now you can rest after your laser treatment with no feelings of guilt. I would like to watch the cleaning show as well, I'll look for it. We enjoy Poirot too


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