jeudi 26 août 2021

Foxes and owl and good news!

 Hello Friends,

Last night, I cooked a chicken filet with oranges and ninth from the garden. It is a low calories dish from my recipe book.

It was easy, quick and very tasty dish with mashed potatoes.

Not the french “ potatoe puree” with lots of cream and butter.

I only used two spoons of low fat cream. 

Around three this morning I was awakened by the yelping of foxes who wanted to eat the neighbours ‘ hens, then an owl was hooting for a long time… country life!

Then the dog wanted to go out, some cats came on the terrace to see if they could eat the fish in the pond.

This morning I had a good strong coffee to wake up!

And we had a slice of  the date and banana loaf I baked for the breakfasts with an orange juice and home made yogurt.

This afternoon, I am going to the hairdresser and I think I will have a little nap there!

I have just learned this morning by my son, that a baby is expected in Dubai!

8 commentaires:

  1. Looks good, your food ... I like mashed potatoes :-) Today I have salmon fried on the skin with small tomatoes and spinach, all nicely cooked in the pan ... and I also had banana bread with dates late in the evening yesterday baked :-)) Have a happy day ... have fun at the hairdresser ... Hug Viola

  2. Your bread looks delicious Catherine. I'd like to cook as you do.

  3. Your chicken dish looks delicious. Congratulations on the upcoming baby in Dubai! You must be very excited!

  4. Congratulations to your son and his wife and you as well!! You will be a grandma at a young age.
    All the food you make looks delicious and I'm sure it also tastes yummy.

  5. This whole post was iteresting - but that last part is the best!
    Congratulations on the new baby coming!

  6. What exciting and wonderful news! A grandbaby on the way! Your country nights sound so interesting, but a little scary with all the nature sounds!

  7. Oh looks lovely!! YES it was viper outside my greenhouse - oh dear! I hate snakes!!
    Have a great weekend and taker care...

  8. Congratulations on the baby! Isn't it great to live where there is wildlife? Well, we don't want them getting the chickens, but it is thrilling to hear the cry of the fox. We often have coyotes nearby and have to make sure the chickens are shut in for the night. :)


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!