Then as there was nobody in the shop we had a look around, paid and went to the car, came back to have lunch at their restaurant.
We made friends together and look at each other for some time 😆
The clematis is being planted by my husband.
Living in Normandy I had a blog some time ago and decided to create this one to continue the adventure with you through visits of special spots in Normandy and my hobbies DIY and home decoration. Hope to begin a new adventure with you!
Bandit my dog 🐕 and this is how I feel today!
As I had covid at Xmas I am not well for Easter ! I still am shivering, sneezing…I may spend Easter in my bed.
This morning the man came to get the estimate and
Get the deposite for the new awning and I chose the colour. I wore a mask this morning and now I’ll rest.
I wish you a Happy Easter 🐣 !
Since a few days I was not feeling well. Tomorrow I was very cold with fever I thought it was my fifth covid!
But my husband tested me for covid this morning and I am negative. Just a big cold! So today I am not doing much.
Last night, a patient gave us chocolate for Easter 🐣. This is very kind of them, we have chocolate for Xmas and for Easter and I love these small Belgium chocolate animals ( they already gave us the same last year and they are so good 😊!
For the picture I have put them in a very old vintage cake stand. I love the colour and the roses and ribbons pattern. It is stained by time but I love it.
Today, is our Son in law’s Birthday (already 43! Time flies…)
Well, I think I will stay warm inside and rest for the day. We have a three days long weekend with Easter Monday I hope I’ll feel better by then.
Have a nice day.
Maud took a selfie of herself because dad missed her arrival ! She ran too fast !!! 😂 they missed each other! 21.1 kms in 2:02:17. Then we...