dimanche 31 mars 2024

Morning at the garden Center.

We had boxwood on each side of our front door, they were old and died. Today we went to « Desjardins » garden Center to get topiary yews to replace the boxwoods.
They were in the corner before we took them.
Then as there was nobody in the shop we had a look around, paid and went to the car, came back to have lunch at their restaurant.

I also bought this clematis to mix with a big rose bush.

Then we had our lunch and that was my dessert 🧁 à Tarte Tatin with cream from the farm!

We made friends together and look at each other for some time 😆 

 The clematis is being planted by my husband.

We are both not feeling well, but we have a three days weekend and did not want to loose time, so we went out and afterwards we will rest. We have fought a very nasty virus!
By 5 pm we will have rain and thunder so better hurry!
I hope you had a nice day thank you for coming !

vendredi 29 mars 2024

Happy Easter 🐣 !

Who is under this blanket?

Bandit my dog 🐕 and this is how I feel today!

As I had covid at Xmas I am not well for Easter ! I still am shivering, sneezing…I may spend Easter in my bed.

Yesterday we had another storm 185kmh on the coast and as we are not very far so we had violent storm and branches everywhere again. The weather is cold and rainy, not very good for the children egg hunting on Sunday.

This morning the man came to get the estimate and 

Get the deposite for the new awning and I chose the colour. I wore a mask this morning and now I’ll rest.

I wish you a Happy Easter 🐣 !

jeudi 28 mars 2024

A cold and Easter chocolate.

Hello Friends!

Since a few days I was not feeling well. Tomorrow I was very cold with fever I thought it was my fifth covid!

But my husband tested me for covid this morning and I am negative. Just a big cold! So today I am not doing much.

Last night, a patient gave us chocolate for Easter 🐣. This is very kind of them, we have chocolate for Xmas and for Easter and I love these small Belgium chocolate animals ( they already gave us the same last year and they are so good 😊! 

For the picture I have put them in a very old vintage cake stand. I love the colour and the roses and ribbons pattern. It is stained by time but I love it.

Today, is our Son in law’s Birthday (already 43! Time flies…) 

Well, I think I will stay warm inside and rest for the day. We have a three days long weekend with Easter Monday I hope I’ll feel better by then.

Have a nice day.

(Jeff de Bruges Belgium chocolate)


mercredi 27 mars 2024

This and that…

The flowers left place to the leaves, first tree to have leaves with the weeping willow.

My husband puzzle 
Baby items

A ray of sun in the downstair  bedroom.
I Hope your day and weather will be fine . Thank you for coming.

Hello Friends !
Already 9 hours colouring the castle ! In the evening 
As the tv programs are not being very interesting we decided to do something else, my husband is doing his puzzle and I am painting. Last night I did half of the door, I will continue today and would like it to be finished soon to do something else.
Today, the electricity company is coming and we decided which company will change the awning on our outdoor terrace. That’s a good job done.
Yesterday in between colouring I baked a pear and apple crumble and cooked stuffed potatoes in the oven.
I am working hard because I want This stay with us be a good one for Maxime as we only see him a few times in the year because of the 7 hours flight which separates us. One bedroom is full of the second hand toys we found and here and there baby items all around the house! This is a big organisation for two babies, I that’s must have all that’s necessary for their stay.
This morning the weather is cold but nice, we should have rain this afternoon.


mardi 26 mars 2024

Week-end shopping.

Hello Friends !
On Saturday we went out shopping. I wanted to get some new solar lights to decorate the garden and we went to the shops around and especially to a Danish shop. My husband wanted new bed linen for Spring! 😆 he had seen theses for some time and decided to get them.
These are the lights I got for the garden. It gives life in the garden as soon as it is dark and I think Maxime will love them!

Small ones are very nice in the rose bushes in front of the house.

Today it is raining 
I’ll stay inside working on the castle. I am keeping it flat and my son will build it when they come.
In the Danish shop I found these fake summer flowers to put in front of the fire place we don’t use for the moment. I don’t really like fake flowers, but these ones look pretty.
Now, I am drinking my second coffee and will start some laundry 🧺 and then vacuuming and dusting ( two coffee are necessary !)
And then work on the castle, in between cooking for tonight.
Have a good day and thank you for coming !

lundi 25 mars 2024

Beginning of a new busy week.

Today, I went to get our “ French baguettes 🥖 “
Then as I did some work yesterday I could work on the card board castle for Maxime.
This afternoon I had a hairdresser appointment and back home I continue my colouring.
It’s quite a  job to colour this bid castle so I must finish it before June! Time goes so quickly!
As I put colours i discover the drawings it appears as I work on it. I think Maxime will like to play in it.

 I wish you a nice week!

Thank you for coming.

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!