vendredi 9 février 2024

Waiting impatiently for the weekend !

Hello Friends,

The dentist went well! And after I went to get some goodies to sent to my son and some heart chocolate for Valentine. I could not resist some « Pates de fruits » for myself! I am very found of these goodies !

Pates de fruits exist since the 10 Century and is made of fruit puree   And sugar, not very good for the diet, but confort food! SO 😊 good!

The tea cup is my last find and the tea cup spoon 🥄 was already there.

 I also went to visit other shops and found some wool for a new snood, so now I will be knitting.
This weekend we are going out despite the bad weather.

The week has been busy and is quickly ended.
Today, I wish you a Happy Weekend , many thanks for all your visits!

7 commentaires:

  1. Happy Weekend to you too. We are supposed to have unseasonably warm temps this weekend.
    That cup is pretty and so is the spoon!

  2. I like your little coffee stirrer! How cute!

  3. Looks like you know the perfect way to bring comfort you --- yourself!

  4. I love the teacup 💗💗 and the fruit jellies look delicious. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  5. I hope the weather will be good when you go out. It's 17 degrees here, but I'm inside. It will rain tomorrow. Nice coffee cup and candy.
    Have a nice Sunday.

  6. Love the cup and saucer! Beautiful...Stay safe when you go out!!

  7. The weekend is now over, and I hope you had a good one. The teacup with the square saucer is very unique. The fruit sweets look delicious!


Our trip to Bruges.

 After a long silence, I am back on my blog just to say hello! We will be back next week with lots of pictures and souvenirs of this beautif...