lundi 19 février 2024

A busy and stressful Monday.

 Today I had the plumber this morning after discovering  a water leak in the wall behind the boiler and he had to make a hole in the inside of a kitchen cabinet the leak was in the wall! What a stress! I had to go upstairs in the bathroom and open the tap…back in the kitchen open the tap, other bathroom and close the taps up and down… then I had problems with the mower robot they had to change a piece ( an expensive one) and tomorrow the plumber bill will arrive!

But this morning I manage to sort out all of our papers and now I have a lot to destroy. Tomorrow, I will go out to get my daughter’s Birthday present and decide what the menu will be. Order a cake or bake one?

The Birthday lunch will be on Thursday.

I did not do anything interesting today, I hope it will be more interesting tomorrow!!

Now I will have a rest and knit 🧶 then I will have a look at Rachel Ashwell beautiful book afterwards I have to prepare the dinner.

Thank you for your visits !

5 commentaires:

  1. That's a little too much excitement and cost too!
    Glad that's behind you and you can rest a bit. The book looks beautiful!

  2. I just finished mopping the kitchen laundry room bathroom floor. This morning I did the dusting, the laundry, and the house plant tending while Tom cleaned the bathrooms and vacuumed. I had some photos printed for the Whidbey cabin, Tom just picked them up, and after a few more minutes rest I will go to the craft store to get some photo mounting tape. Then it will be time to cook dinner and pack for tomorrow. We are going to run away to the Whidbey Island cabin for a few days. I plan to do very little there.

  3. Oh! Those plumbing problems! I am sorry. They always stress me out! I hope you are all fixed up. Happy Birthday (almost) to your daughter!

  4. What an unpleasant beginning to your week. The mess of fixing the leak in the kitchen and the bother of running up and down turning taps on and off. I hope the rest of the week goes more smoothly.

  5. Wat een pech met de lekkage.
    Hopelijk is het inmiddels verholpen.
    Gefeliciteerd met je dochter en fijne dag!


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