lundi 31 juillet 2023

Big ice cubes 🧊

Today, like most of July days, it is raining 🌧️.
But we don’t have to complain when most of the Mediterranean countries are in fire because of very high temperatures.
This morning it is 17 C and raining.
This weekend we decided that we needed a break and have some rest in Brittany.
We will soon go to Roscoff a place we like to go, the town is beautiful. We will stay by the sea in the thalassotherapy in the old town.
This town is the town of the “Johnnies »
These are men from Roscoff going to England with their bycicles to seem the onions 🧅 they grew in Roscoff. I love Roscoff onions which are very sweet!
Here is the province of « Leon » where you can see fields of cauliflowers and artichokes.
There is a «  Johnnies » museum I hope is open this time.

(Pictures from the net: office du tourisme)

The old town

(Source: Thalassotherapy Valdys Roscoff)

 This is not me! 😆 but I like this place on to of a rock in front of the sea!

In front of Roscoff is the beautiful Batz island, with a big exotic garden. There is also one in Roscoff as they have no frost because of the Gulf Stream.
Bandit will go to the kennel. We had to take him to the vet on Saturday, he had big stomach problems, but feels better with an injection and some medication.
We are not feeling too well in this house! 😆 at the moment!
With the strong air of Brittany and eating sea weeds we should recover!

I received a picture and a video from my son in Greenland.

I wish you a good new week!
This picture is from internet.
The Johnnies. Office du tourisme Roscoff, musée des Johnnies.

3 commentaires:

  1. I'm glad you are going to get away. It sounds like a wonderful place to visit and relax! I hope Bandit feels better and does ok while you are gone.
    Beautiful photos from your son!

  2. I hope August will bring you more sunshine than you had in July.

  3. That brought back some memories! We so often stopped for a night or two in Roscoff en route to our house in the Morbihan. It's a lovely old town with a lot to offer. I hope you enjoy your stay.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....