mardi 18 juillet 2023

Chest of drawers transfer.

This morning while it was cool 14 degrees C. Yesterday I phone the dentist a tooth crown came off this weekend 

And while I was driving to do my weekly shopping I had a phone call in my car, somebody cancelled his appointment and I had to drive back to replace the patient. After the dentist had replaced the crown, I still did not have done my shopping… went back to the shop and finally did my shopping, but forgot my list! So some things are missing and I will have to go back tomorrow !

This afternoon it is hot 🥵 30degrees C, but i had to go to the post office ( as in the country it is open only in the afternoon , then I came back home.

I baked an apricot pie, I got plenty of apricots this morning.

Yesterday I painted my chest of drawers, I had it already painted in black, but as I had paint I renewed the colour before the transfer that I applied this afternoon. Tomorrow I must put the varnish and continue in the front. I did some transfer in the past, but not as big. It is easy but takes time.

 This is the result!
I was on the phone with my daughter and some apricots are too cooked… but it will be good 😊 

4 commentaires:

  1. The chest of drawers looks great. The decal is so lovely. I'm sure the apricot pie will be delicious in spite of a bit of burnt peel.

  2. I've had crown issues before too. Glad you got it fixed. I love the transfer!
    Your are such a great baker. So pretty!

  3. I made an apple pie with scrappy little apples from our early apple tree. It took a long time to prepare the apples, but it sure smells good

  4. The apricot pie looks delicious! And the transfer is beautiful...Well done!!


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!