mardi 21 décembre 2021

Winter wedding Anniversary.

Christmas decorations in Paris shops!

 Hello Friends!

Yesterday this is how we had lunch! With our coat and scarves! It was freezing outside and today it is colder!

My son and his wife have left yesterday and went to his sister. Today, the four of them are going to Paris for two days.

The  windows and doors should be installed tonight, except the front door that should arrive in January.

I will have to hurry tomorrow to do my last shopping and cooking. I can’t use the kitchen today.

I am a bit stressed before Xmas! 

It was our 38 th wedding anniversary on the 17th of December and I found a present for Mr L.vintage car toy and vintage items under a cloche with light.

The new door in one bedroom all glass so I can see the landscape and the sheep’s next door.

I hope you ‘ll have a Merry Christmas with all your loved ones! MERRY CHRISTMAS !

My son brought me these magazines from Dubai and I found shelter in my bedroom with Bandit to feel a bit warmer and to read my magazines.

6 commentaires:

  1. Congratulations on your 38th wedding anniversary.
    Merry Christmas!

  2. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The cloche decoration is very attractive. Stay warm!

  3. Congratulations on your anniversary. The vignette under the cloche is so lovely.
    Have a Happy Christmas with your loved ones.

  4. I don't envy you being so cold. It's cold here too and I would not want to be without heat and having the cold pour in through open doors and windows. I hope all works out well for your Christmas.

  5. Happy Anniversary! I love the gift you got for Mr L!

  6. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.


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