mercredi 15 décembre 2021

Christmas spirt and Nativity.

Hello Friends,

Yesterday, I baked some more biscuits. It was « Cookie ´ s  day »
Cranberry cookies, chocolate chips cookies ( three chocolates, praline cookies ( pralines are almonds covered with pink sugar) peanut butter cookies…
I the hyacinths will bloom for Christmas 
This is the cake stand I bought last year to prepare my son’s wedding. It is decorated with birds and flowers.

Today, will be the last baking day! I will bake shortbreads.
This afternoon I am going to order the turkey, the cake ( I will be busy with the my son’s arrival and no time to bake a cake) and Mr L present !
My son and his wife will are this weekend and  each time they rent a car and we go to the sea and other places they like. So I must get ready!
I have to decorate the garden and prepare the bedrooms 
For son and daughter. 
I am very glad to have the children at home!

I have a small Nativity , I brought it from Provence ( south of France) they are real tiny Santons.
Usually we don’t put Jesus in the «  Crèche » before  Christmas Day, but just for the picture.

The shepherds with their dog and sheep , the old lady ,
The man carrying wood and another with a drum and the three wise men.

4 commentaires:

  1. Your baking looks delicious! Love the cake stand too.

  2. I love those tiered cake stands. The cookies are just gorgeous and I am sure they taste as good as they look, too. What a precious creche! I recall at school, in one classroom, each day a student was chosen to move an animal or person closer to the creche. The last day of school before the break, the Baby Jesus would be placed in the creche. So happy your kids will visit! That is wonderful.

  3. Do you freeze your cookies? I like your tiered servers.

  4. Your tiered cake stands are so pretty and show off your beautiful baking. I hope you have a wonderful time with your family. I admire the Provençal santons.


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