dimanche 12 décembre 2021

“ Noel au Château” «  Christmas at the Castle « 

Hello Friends,
Today, is a long post!
We have spent the afternoon at the “ Chateau du champs de bataille”
( battle field castle)
Here is part of the Castle, we’re the famous decorator 
Jacques Garcia live. He has been decorating most of  the palaces across the world.

The chapel is a beautiful part of the castle 
Father Xmas was there too!

The Cabinet de curiosités.
Here is what I like best, the dining room decorated for Xmas! How magical 

All white and silver!


All the waterfalls don’t work during winter, but in Spring and Summer the garden awakens.

We had a Xmas tea and crepe!

This is a view of the entire castle, new topiaires are being created
I love these big waterfall at the end of the garden
More water all along the walk

On these stairs during Spring and Summer
There are waterfalls on both sides

The tea room

This is the end of the visit for this time.
Because of COVID we can’t visit all of it.
I would have loved to show you it’s kitchen with all the brass pans and old cooker!

I hope you enjoyed the magic of  Xmas.
During all the visit we could listen to American vintage Xmas Carols , it was really the Xmas spirit!

4 commentaires:

  1. Oh my! What an absolutely beautiful place. I would so enjoy seeing it in person. Thank you for sharing your photos.

  2. Thanks for the tour. What a great place to visit!

  3. Thank you so much for all the wonderful photos of your visit to the chateau. It's beautiful. I can see why the dining room is one of your favourite places - all the silver and white and greenery is gorgeous.

  4. It was so interesting to see all your lovely pictures. The decorating in the castle looks wonderful. I loved the dining room too. Lucky you to have gone there.


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