samedi 25 décembre 2021

A Beautiful time!

Hello Friends,

I hope you had a nice time with your family?

We had a lovely time together on Christmas Eve, but today we are all tired.

We opened lots of presents and some of us are using them today! My son is doing his Star Wars virtual game , others are reading their books and I am relaxing in my chair after having cooking all the meals!

The snow was 10 years ago on Xmas day!

It was so nice! But today, it is very grey and wet.

I took this picture in Japan representing the family
Xmas presents everywhere
Life in the house again
Christmas bread for breakfast 
And the usual Panettone 
Playing Yam.
I had a beautiful present! A book full of Japanese bird prints.

I am on my blog while everybody is playing.
We will have evening together and there are three days left in France for my son. I had time to give my son’s wife the baby clothes he wore at his birth for my coming grandson. Look
Have a nice Sunday

2 commentaires:

  1. Our families left to go to their own homes (in the same town) and so the house is quiet now, but there was a lot of activity all day. We had a tiny bit of snow this morning and the grandchildren spent a couple of hours outdoors playing. I'm tired, too, now, after all the cooking and preparing. Now is time for relaxation. Enjoy these days with your family.

  2. "Life in the house again." No sweeter caption possible! Glad your Christmas was a joyous one!


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