samedi 2 octobre 2021

The Basilica of Lisieux Normandy.

 Hello Friends,
Today, we went to my favorite shop to get some sweaters for the winter. We had lunch in a «  Crêperie » and then Mr L decided to go in the département of Calvados. ( France is decided in départements. We live in Eure and the town of Lisieux is in Calvados.)
This is a place of pilgrimage where Sainte Therese of Lisieux has lived. This is the second place of pilgrimage after Lourdes in France.
We went to the Basilica.there is a lot of ex voto, lot’s of fresh roses in the church as Sainte Therese loved roses.
Also lots of candles.
Mr L did not know the place, for my part I had been there when I was a child and remembered well the place. I did not take pictures of the roses, because I did not want to disturb people who were praying, but there were hundreds of roses of different colours. So beautiful. 

Under the cross is a reliquary of the Saint .

We did not choose  the right day to go out ,as today was a very stormy day, lot of wind and rain!
I hope to be able to use internet next week, see you soon.
We bought ourselves our weekend cakes.

I had a violette flower religieuse and Mr L a raspberry and strawberry mousse.

6 commentaires:

  1. Wow - that is a gorgeous place! The windows, the dome, the architecture is so beautiful!

  2. What a magnificent basilica. Your cakes for the weekend look delicious. I would choose the mousse!

  3. The Basilica is an amazing place. How fortunate you are to be able to visit it.

  4. What a beautiful building! Thanks for showing it to us. It was good to see it.

  5. Very beautiful! And the cakes are gorgeous! :)

  6. I think you live in the most interesting area of the world. What a blessing to see the Basilica!!! Incredible. It gave me chillbumps just through the photos!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....