lundi 18 octobre 2021

A difficult weekend.

 Hello Friends,

It has been a busy weekend!

On Saturday we went out shopping and went out to have lunch, but I had rather stay at home, as I first wanted. I was scared something happen with the new boiler…I forgot about it and had a nice day out.

When we came back home the boiler had no more water in the it and afterwards I saw a lot of water in the living room! The carpets were full of water. One of the radiators exploded and the water of 12 radiators arrived in the living room. I had to call them in urgency.

Old houses have sometimes bad surprises! 

So we have spend the Sunday drying the carpets.

Today, they are coming back to install the fibre, as they were not successful last time. I am scared they make holes in the walls and I don’t want to have to clean the house again! Keep my fingers crossed!

Something more interesting and beautiful…

This is the view from the Hotel.

5 commentaires:

  1. I'm sorry one of your radiators exploded and made such a big mess for you to deal with.

  2. That's terrible! When you spend time and money and worry on home improvements you don't expect to come home to disaster. So sorry.

  3. Oh no! I'm so sorry about the radiator! What a horrible mess to clean up.

  4. Oh no! What a mess! I hope everything will soon be back to normal.

  5. This is such worrisome news. Thank God you were not hurt by boiling water when the radiator burst. My gosh, they did not install it correctly, what an upsetting happening! I hope things get fixed and dried.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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