vendredi 8 octobre 2021

My collection of French vintage bols.


In the 80’s it was the fashion to use dried flowers in the decoration, nowadays it is coming back!

I used to have bunches of dried flowers hung on the beam of our living room. Now I only have a little of them because they are very expensive at the moment.

Another subject, but it was in the same shop…

Our french coffee Bol! I am used to drink my black coffee early in the morning in my « Bol ».

I am collecting vintage bols and must buy new ones for my breakfast.

Enjoy your weekend!

2 commentaires:

  1. Wow...Catharina,wat een mooie verzameling koffiekommen heb je.
    Ben ook mijn hele leven al verzot op oud aardewerk,je zag het vast al wel eens op mijn blogposten.

    Fijn weekeind en lieve groet,

  2. Oh what a pretty collection of "bols" you have! I love all the different patterns. Such a lovely way to begin the day.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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