mercredi 20 octobre 2021

In need of rest...

 Hello Friends,

Yesterday,  when I woke up my heart was in cardiac arrhythmia and I was feeling very tired and bad. My husband had to take me to the clinic and I stayed there for the day. I had already it once and stayed two days last time. They gave me some tablets and this time it was quicker to stabilized.

Too much stress and too much tired with the works. I will try to relax and have a big rest before the second part of works, the changing of the radiators soon and the second part in December .

I am going to visit your blogs and put mine on a pause for a few days until I feel better. They want to make me an electrical shock if things don’t get back to normal, but I am not very keen about it.

I have an appointment on December 2nd , in case, but I can cancel it. I will think about it...

See you soon!

( thank you for all your comments it’s always nice to hear from you!)

7 commentaires:

  1. Speedy recovery! I think of you. Try to relax and don't work so much before the second part of work.

  2. Take the time you need to rest. Prayers for a good recovery.

  3. It can be hard to let work go when you want things back to normal, which in your case means a beautifully decorated home.
    Be good to yourself.

  4. I am feeling for you Catherine. Hopefully you will soon feel much better and brighter and not need to have that shock treatment. Take it easy and look after yourself. Mxx

  5. I am sorry to hear about your arrhythmia. I also have a heart arrhythmia, and if I miss even one pill (atenolol), it comes back. I hope you can get it corrected. Please rest! Too much stress indeed, that furnace wetting everything and blowing up sure didn't help your health.

  6. My Dad has that and has had to have the shock a few times. I hope it clears on it's own and your life becomes less stressful.

  7. May God give you rest and strength, and peace that calms your heart.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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