lundi 25 octobre 2021

Autumn colours.

 This is the result of my dehydrated oranges, ready for Xmas. I am pleased with it, it gave a good result.

I love the colours of Autumn. Here we don’t have many maple trees, but I remember when I went in Maine one Autumn and visited my aunt in Connecticut, The trees were beautiful. I also loved to see the wild geese in the country. Nowadays I love to go to the Netherlands to see wild geese and storks. Here in Normandy they just fly over the house and make noises, but don’t stop. 

Birds are gathering and some have already left. The swallows are gone and when I go to Dubai in January they are here flying between the towers and drinking in the swimming pools with the turtle doves .

Here it is cold in the mornings, we had a like frost already and today I will stay inside with Bandit, having a rest with a good book this afternoon!

Good Tuesday.

5 commentaires:

  1. Your dried oranges to fit right in with your autumn decorations.

  2. The dried orange slices are perfect. I must try to make some.

  3. Your orange slices look really great. Enjoy your book :)

  4. Your dried oranges are so pretty. Staying inside with a good book is so comforting on a cold day.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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