vendredi 15 octobre 2021

A trip to Venice.

 Hello Friends,

The heat has come back in the house!

I am glad it’s over. The new boiler is silent and more respectful of the environment, which is also a good thing.

Now I have time before the changing of doors and windows , it will be the week before Christmas!

Today, I am travelling without leaving my home…my son has sent me some pictures from his stay in Venice.

The famous « Cafe Florian » I hope they will take pictures of the inside which is so beautiful !

I am glad, they are having a beautiful weather and blue sky for the pictures. They are staying in the same hotel we had been staying a long time ago , the hotel Concordia right on la place Saint Marc, which is very convenient to visit the town.

I ´il relax this weekend after two days of intense rush!

I wish you a good weekend.

8 commentaires:

  1. It is good that you have the boiler inside the house.It is always good to be over a work. Enjoy the heat.
    The weather is beautiful in Venice. Your son was lucky to have it.

  2. Beautiful photos! Glad you are warm! :)

  3. I think your son inherited your photography abilities. What incredible pictures. He even captured that bird flying near the spire! Amazing photographs, so beautiful! Wow. I am glad you have heat again, and this time, with a modern furnace!

  4. Venice looks like such a beautiful city - it's one I would like to visit one day. The photographs are lovely and I'm glad your son is having good weather.
    Enjoy the peace and quiet of the weekend!

  5. There is a noticeable lack of tourists in Venice in these photos, That's good for those who can travel now.

  6. Lovely and beautiful Venice...a great place to visit!
    Love from Titti

  7. What beautiful pictures of Venice. So sorry about your boiler. Water I believe is the most damaging item. My wash room keeps flooding and I am hoping son #1 can come fix the problem. Keeping my fingers crossed


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