dimanche 31 octobre 2021

Candles, bulbs and Xmas biscuits.

Hello Friends,

We have a three days weekend, the weather is grey and I lit some candles. One is strawberries, Birthday cake and caramel cookies!

Yesterday, I received my order from “Farmer Gracy”in Netherlands. Two hundreds bulbs to plant.

I found my favorite magazine already about Xmas decoration  and a little one with Xmas biscuits recipes.
I use to bake these small biscuits with my children for Xmas.
We like to go to Alsace in the east of France for the typical Xmas markets and buy the specialty  called”Bredele”

I wish a nice week.

mardi 26 octobre 2021

DIY ideas.

 Hello Friends,

Yesterday, I had a pumpkin in stock and I am used to bake vegetable crumbles , so I used my pumpkin with a bit of potatoes and fresh cream to make a crumble.

(Source: Pinterest the four pictures)

I found some ideas to use my dried oranges, mix it with cinnamon.

The pumpkin crumble was very good, it was the first time I made one. The day before I made a Tian , tomatoes and peppers with mozzarella.

Today, I think I will bake oatmeal cookies and add chocolate.

Tomorrow will be a day out as the weather forecast announced sun !

lundi 25 octobre 2021

Autumn colours.

 This is the result of my dehydrated oranges, ready for Xmas. I am pleased with it, it gave a good result.

I love the colours of Autumn. Here we don’t have many maple trees, but I remember when I went in Maine one Autumn and visited my aunt in Connecticut, The trees were beautiful. I also loved to see the wild geese in the country. Nowadays I love to go to the Netherlands to see wild geese and storks. Here in Normandy they just fly over the house and make noises, but don’t stop. 

Birds are gathering and some have already left. The swallows are gone and when I go to Dubai in January they are here flying between the towers and drinking in the swimming pools with the turtle doves .

Here it is cold in the mornings, we had a like frost already and today I will stay inside with Bandit, having a rest with a good book this afternoon!

Good Tuesday.

dimanche 24 octobre 2021

It’s not time that goes by it’s us who cross it…

 Hello Friends,

Today, I want to share a picture with you. This is a picture of my son in Venice taken by his wife. He is 33 now and will be a father  next Spring!

I did not realise how tall was my son! Our children are growing so quickly! time flies so quickly, don’t you think so?

I wish you a lovely week.

Result of the dehydrator. The oranges stayed 10 hours at 70 degrees. The result is nice, it has kept the colours and they are shiny, ready for Xmas DIY!

(The dehydrator is a bit noisy for those interested, but effective!)

A new find and a quite Sunday.

 Hello Friends,

Having a rest, I feel a little better, but still tired.

I was looking for a food dehydrator for a long time and last time I saw an advert from Lidl shop on tv about a dehydrator in their shops this week.

I began to use  it today to dehydrate oranges for my Xmas decoration, then I will use it on tomatoes and herbs from the garden.

I found some colourful vegetables before winter time.

This afternoon I am baking pears and apples with a spoon of honey.

Yesterday, I was glad to find a turtleneck sweater for the winter, I found it in burgundy and in the same shop Mr L discovered this for me…

A navy blue long sleeves dress and this Autumn coat.
I hope to be able to drive and go out a little this week.
Last week, we had a very big storm, winds at 175 km speed on the Normand coast and here about 120. Many trees have been uprooted, electricity cuts, no trains…
Here, we only had broken branches.
I hope this week will be better!

mercredi 20 octobre 2021

In need of rest...

 Hello Friends,

Yesterday,  when I woke up my heart was in cardiac arrhythmia and I was feeling very tired and bad. My husband had to take me to the clinic and I stayed there for the day. I had already it once and stayed two days last time. They gave me some tablets and this time it was quicker to stabilized.

Too much stress and too much tired with the works. I will try to relax and have a big rest before the second part of works, the changing of the radiators soon and the second part in December .

I am going to visit your blogs and put mine on a pause for a few days until I feel better. They want to make me an electrical shock if things don’t get back to normal, but I am not very keen about it.

I have an appointment on December 2nd , in case, but I can cancel it. I will think about it...

See you soon!

( thank you for all your comments it’s always nice to hear from you!)

lundi 18 octobre 2021

A difficult weekend.

 Hello Friends,

It has been a busy weekend!

On Saturday we went out shopping and went out to have lunch, but I had rather stay at home, as I first wanted. I was scared something happen with the new boiler…I forgot about it and had a nice day out.

When we came back home the boiler had no more water in the it and afterwards I saw a lot of water in the living room! The carpets were full of water. One of the radiators exploded and the water of 12 radiators arrived in the living room. I had to call them in urgency.

Old houses have sometimes bad surprises! 

So we have spend the Sunday drying the carpets.

Today, they are coming back to install the fibre, as they were not successful last time. I am scared they make holes in the walls and I don’t want to have to clean the house again! Keep my fingers crossed!

Something more interesting and beautiful…

This is the view from the Hotel.

vendredi 15 octobre 2021

A trip to Venice.

 Hello Friends,

The heat has come back in the house!

I am glad it’s over. The new boiler is silent and more respectful of the environment, which is also a good thing.

Now I have time before the changing of doors and windows , it will be the week before Christmas!

Today, I am travelling without leaving my home…my son has sent me some pictures from his stay in Venice.

The famous « Cafe Florian » I hope they will take pictures of the inside which is so beautiful !

I am glad, they are having a beautiful weather and blue sky for the pictures. They are staying in the same hotel we had been staying a long time ago , the hotel Concordia right on la place Saint Marc, which is very convenient to visit the town.

I ´il relax this weekend after two days of intense rush!

I wish you a good weekend.

Finds in my cupboard

 Hello Friends,

Still upstairs in my bedroom , freezing while they work!

I should have heating by mid day.

I am still looking at some old magazines and found this picture, that reminded me I had one of these. I found it on a brocante in the north of France.

And I also found this tea pot and it reminded me that I had approximately the same.

(Source: Victoria Classics)

I am going to continue my magazine reading while waiting. Thank you for all your comments about Xmas lunch!

Have good day!

Rose Apple recipe and watercolour.

This Patisserie is in Bayeux a lovely vintage one.   Today, it will be a long post. For Linda and you if you want I have explained how to ba...