vendredi 23 juillet 2021

Summer in the garden!


Hello Friends,
I am very busy at the moment. Today, we are going to my daughter’s log cabin in the forest, but it is my son’s last day here before he goes back to Dubai.
It will be very hot today 31C and we will have thunder tonight, before the temperature goes down tomorrow.
We will have thunderstorms tomorrow for their flight.
This morning I took some pictures from the garden before we leave for the forest.
I hope you are having a nice day. See you soon.

7 commentaires:

  1. Hoop dat jullie plezierige dagen doorgebracht hebben met zoon en schoondochter.
    In een bosrijke omgeving is het meestal wat koeler in de schaduw van bomen.

    Het was voor mij onmogelijk je blogposten te lezen in afgelopen dagen ivm Keratitus
    beide ogen.

    Fijn weekeind,

  2. Hej Catherine, prachtig rondje door je bloementuin. Fijne dag samen!

  3. Enjoy your time in the forest. I hope it will be a bit cooler there. Your flowers are beautiful! Bon Week-end!

  4. Beautiful flowers!!
    I hope you have a lovely time at your daughter's cabin in the forest.

  5. They are all so pretty. I love, love, love the hydrangeas!

  6. the hydrangea are lovely - should think it will be nice and cool in a forest cabin :)

  7. Dear Catherine,
    what a super lovely garden you have. Filled with flowers and love. Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Happy to meet you and found your blog. It's a present to have international garden friends.
    All my best for you and yours


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