jeudi 22 juillet 2021

A manor in Normandy.

 A beautiful manor in Normandy! Saint Germain de Livet 

Is a manor in Normandy. It is built in two parts, the wooden part in the 15th C and the brick part in the 16th C.

The painter Eugene Delacroix stayed in the yellow bedroom.

This is a nice place to visit, a very quiet place with a garden and a small river.

There are also white peacocks and fishes in the  manor moats.

I hope you enjoyed the visit.

3 commentaires:

  1. I love visiting historic homes. This one is lovely. The stone on the outside is beautiful.

  2. What a beautiful home. The yellow bedroom is so elegant.

  3. I did enjoy this visit. Such a beautiful place!


DIY placemats and table scape.

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